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Regional Differences

Some care home costs may be covered by your local authority. Eligibility for this financial assistance will depend on how much capital or assets you may have. This could include any savings and property for example.

If you have savings or property that is held in your name it is probable that you will be classed as self-funded if the value is greater than a threshold amount. The threshold amount varies depending on where you live. The amounts are as follows:

England – £23,350
Scotland – £25,250
Jersey – £54,480

If the total capital held by the prospective resident is less than the threshold amounts they would most likely be a candidate for Local Authority Funding. In order to apply for the funding you should contact the relevant Local Authority and request that a Financial Assessment is undertaken.

Local Authority Financial Assessment

Upon your request, the Local Authority will carry out an assessment of your financial situation. They will consider what level of care is required and simultaneously consider any current sources of income and savings. From this they will determine what, if any, contribution to costs you would need to make.

To ensure a quick decision it is essential you provide the relevant documentation and information required to evidence the level of income and all current assets. After completion of the assessment, details of the funding plan are provided to the prospective resident. This will outline the costs that will be covered and any additional contribution that would be due by the resident. The proposed funding plan will also be provided to the relevant care home.

Level & Type Of Care

How much you will pay is linked to the amount of care and support that is needed. The amount of care required is determined during the Local Authority Financial Assessment. Should round the clock care be required, for example, this will incur higher costs than care for somebody who is relatively independent.

Independent Advice

We recommend everyone considering care obtains professional, independent advice with regards to the best way to fund the cost of care. A care fees expert should be able to make sure you have carefully considered all the options that are available.

Frequently Asked Questions re Funding

The amount you will pay varies from care home to care home. The differences in costs will be reflective of where the home is located, the proposed length of stay, the level of care that is required and the size and situation of the room chosen.

Other chargeable costs such as extras like chiropody, hairdressing and trips will also add to the total amount.

You may choose your own preferred care home. However, the care home you chose must be registered to provide the type of care you require. And, in some care homes, you may be required to pay a top-up amount. This top-up amount occurs if the amount payable by your Local Authority does not cover the services and accommodation provided by your preferred care home. You are still entitled to select your preferred home but you or your family may be asked to pay the additional amount or “top-up” to cover the difference.

If your savings fall below the funding thresholds (see “Where you live”) you may qualify for financial assistance with fees even if you didn’t prior to this. If your savings are approaching the threshold it is recommended that you contact your local social services department. They will carry out a Financial Assessment to assess your new situation.

If you own a property it is classed as an asset, similar to savings. If the property is owned jointly with a spouse and they would continue to live there then the property will not be included in the calculation of assets. If the property is owned solely by the prospective resident, then it is classed as a capital asset. The Care Act 2014 states a number of options with regard to the sale of the property for funding purposes. During the initial 12 weeks of your care home stay you have the option to apply for a Property Disregard Scheme. Following this, you may apply for a permanent Property Deferred Payment scheme with you Local Authority. This scheme enables the cost of care fees to be deferred for an indefinite period. The property owner would be required to enter into a legal agreement with the Local Authority and a charge added onto the property.

Only your partner will be assessed. If you are planning on staying in the property where you both currently live the property will be disregarded in the capital assessment. Similarly, joint savings will be treated differently. A higher capital threshold will be applied on joint savings. In all cases we recommend prospective residents seek independent advice. Local social service teams can provide support to help you make an informed decision prior to agreeing how any long-term care costs will be funded.

Continuing Health Care, or CHC, is funding for care that is paid for by the NHS through the Local Commissioning Group. It is care that is provided when there are health care requirements that are either complex or severe. This funding is non-means tested and it is covered in full by the NHS. This type of funding is usually temporary and is subject to review every three months. Assessment is carried out by a medically qualified person within the CHC team. Eligibility is assessed against a specific checklist in order to determine if there is a primary health care need which could be treated in a setting outside of the hospital. When specific care needs change this funding is likely to be withdrawn.